Contact one of our friendly staff for more information:
T: 03 8335 9600
We Offer Our Services Australia Wide.
We Operate 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day.
Contact one of our friendly staff for more information:
T: 03 8335 9600
Hoist Hire Services.
Our Aim Is To Get You Up There.
Contract Hoist and Rigging Pty Ltd specialises in providing man and material hoist hire services to the Australian construction industry. The primary objective of Contract Hoist and Rigging Pty Ltd is to provide high quality, safe, suitable and high performance man and material hoist hire solutions for commercial and domestic construction and maintenance works as well as general industry.Contract Hoist and Rigging Pty Ltd offer seven (7) day a week twenty four (24) hour a day service.
Contract Hoist and Rigging Pty Ltd offers the following types of hoist hire services:
a) Man and Material Hoist Hire services
b) Mast Climber Hire services
Contract Hoist and Rigging has a range of Man and Material Hoists to suit all client requirements. Some of our range includes:
1. Low Speed Man and Material Hoists
2. Medium Speed Man and Material Hoists
3. High Speed Man and Material Hoists
4. Mast Climbers
5. Various Floor sizes
6. Various Capacities
We Are A Proudly Family Owned And Operated Australian Business.
We Understand The Industry And Maintain A Current And Extensive Knowledge Of Technological Advances So That We Can Achieve and Surpass The Requirements Of Our Clients.
We Work Closely With Plant And Equipment Designers and Manufacturers As Well As Engineers, Industry Bodies and Regulatory Authorities.
We Develop Innovative And Cost Effective Solutions To Increase Productivity, Safety And Quality.
We Are Committed To Consistently Providing Our Clients With Safe, Professional, Efficient And Friendly Service.
We Pride Ourselves In Offering A Personalised Service To Our Clients.
We Are Passionate About Health And Safety And Committed To Providing And Maintaining A Safe Workplace and Workplace Environment.
We Understand and Embrace The Fact That Effective HSEQM Is An Essential Element Of Good Business Management.
Our HSEQM Expert Has 20 Years Experience Working In High Risk Industries.
We Work Closely With Plant And Equipment Manufacturers, Designers And Industry Bodies To Continually Improve On The Standard Of HSEQM In The Industry.
Our Integrated Health, Safety, Environment And Quality Management System (HSEQMS) Is Formulated In Accordance With The Requirements Of:
- AS 4801: Occupational Health And Safety Management Systems
- ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems
- ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems
We Utilise The Risk Management Process To Manage Health And Safety Risks As Per The Requirements Of:
- ISO 31000: Risk Management
We Develop Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) For All High Risk Work Activities.
We Involve, Communicate And Consult With Our Team And The Client In Relation to All Work Activities.
We Continually Review And Improve Our Systems And Processes To Ensure That They Are Effective, Compliant and Relevant To Our Business And Work Activities.
Plant Hire Services.
Our Aim Is To Satisfy Your Plant Hire Needs.
Contract Hoist and Rigging Pty Ltd offers services Australia wide specialising in plant and equipment hire. Contract Hoist and Rigging Pty Ltd offers seven (7) day a week twenty four (24) hour a day service and offers a range of plant and equipment hire services including:
1. Man and Material Hoist
2. Cranes​
Rigging Services.
Our Aim Is To Get The Job Done For You.
Contract Hoist and Rigging Pty Ltd has a team of friendly, qualified and experienced staff who offer:
1. Rigging Services
2. Electrical Contractor Services
3. Inspection Services
The team at Contract Hoist and Rigging are committed to working with the client to meet the client objectives in a safe, effective and efficient manner.
Contract Hoist and Rigging Pty Ltd offers seven (7) day a week twenty four (24) hour a day service Australia wide.
Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Management (HSEQM).
Our Aim Is To Provide and Maintain the Highest Standard of HSEQM in all work undertaken for and behalf of our business.
Providing and maintaining the highest standard of Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Management is the main priority for the entire team and during all work undertaken for and on behalf of Contract Hoist and Rigging Pty Ltd.
Contract Hoist and Rigging Pty Ltd are passionate about and committed to, effective HSEQM and understand and embrace the fact that effective HSEQM is an essential element of good business management.
Contract Hoist and Rigging Pty Ltd develop and continually improve HSEQM systems and processes that ensure that all work undertaken for and on behalf of Contract Hoist and Rigging Pty Ltd is:
1. Undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the company Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Management System (HSEQMS).
2.Compliant with current statutory and federal legislation.
3.Compliant with relevant and applicable Australian and Industry Standards.
4. Understood, embraced and contributed to by all team members at all levels of the business.
5. Compliant with the requirements of the client HSEQMS.
5.Continually promoting the highest standards of HSEQM to ensure that Contract Hoist and Rigging Pty Ltd provide and maintain a working environment that is safe and without risks the health.
6. Effectively identifying and managing the HSEQ risks that are specific and relevant to the business, the industry, the people, the assets, the environment and the nature of the work being undertaken.
Contract Hoist and Rigging Pty Ltd employs a highly qualified HSEQM expert who has 20 years of experience working in health and safety in the construction, hoist and rigging and plant hire industries. Our HSEQM expert is a qualified and certified OHS professional who is highly regarded in industry as a leader and contributor to improving health and safety in the construction industry.
The entire team at Contract Hoist and Rigging are experienced, passionate and committed to working together and ensuring that the business provides and maintains the highest standard of HSEQM.
Contract Hoist and Rigging Pty Ltd.
About the Business.
Contract Hoist and Rigging is a privately owned Australian business. The business was established in 2014 and is based in Melbourne Victoria.
About Our Team.
Contract Hoist and Rigging is managed by a team of experts who have over 30 years of industry experience. The team at Contract Hoist and Rigging are all highly skilled and experienced professionals who are trained and suitably licensed in accordance with current legislative requirements. Our team is committed to working with the client to meet their needs in a safe, productive and effective manner to ensure that project objectives are achieved.
For all General, Accounts and Sales Enquiries Contact:
Office: 03 8335 9600
Postal Address
PO Box 235
Niddrie Victoria
Australia 3042
To apply for a job with Contract Hoist and Rigging, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to:
Alternatively you can all our office on:
(03) 8335 9600